The Right To Be Forgotten

Well worth while pondering over….

CRABFILES - the crabfoot rant spot

A while back some judge decided that people could ask the search engines to de-index certain references to themselves as no longer relevant in the modern age. As I see things, the search engines are using that decision to their own advantage.

Forgive me for being vague about the details – I can’t get results to show up in searches, and I will tell you why I think that is. The search engines want some information to be forgotten. If my memory is right, this regards a court case in NC around 2006-2007.

About ten years ago a group of website owners brought a group action against Google, because they believed that Google was favoring larger, well established sites over new sites with better content. The judge decided they were right, and found their case proven.

I don’t know what passed between the judge and Google after the decision. I…

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